I have experience as a practitioner in conservative restoration. Unlike most restorers trained in institutes, I acquired my experience through individual apprenticeship because I believe that only the relationship between a master and an apprentice can build continuity.
In 1979 Giuliano Briganti introduced me to Giuliano Baldi, Chief Restorer of the Istituto Centrale di Restauro (Central Restoration Institute in Rome) since its creation with Cesare Brandi.
I then became Baldi’s associate in his Roman studio. In this period I was responsible for the treatment of works from private Italian and European collections, and handled relations with the clients.
During this period I also worked independently in Italy and New York for private clients. Baldiintroduced me to Mario Modestini, at the time in charge of the Kress Collection. James Beck, Professor of the Italian Renaissance at Columbia University, appointed me coordinator of the Italian section of ArtWatch, with which I later ceased to collaborate.
In the years of my training in Baldi’s studio, as well as the private course in restoration directed by Gianluigi Colalucci in Rome I attended for a year, I studied the conservation and restoration of paintings on canvas and antique panels, temperas and gilt and polychrome wood sculptures, specializing in gold grounds.